VS AGM 2022

VS AGM 2022

VS AGM 2022

Thank you to all of those who attended the Valley Striders AGM on Tuesday 15th November 2022, and particular thanks to those who provided reports and updates. It was an enjoyable evening that demonstrated the huge variety of events, successes and activity going on within the club. A fantastic effort by all, and an excellent summary of what a wonderful running club we have.

For those that were unable to attend, a folder containing all the relevant documents, reports and presentations from the AGM can be found via this link: VS AGM Folder

The folder contains the following information which can be accessed directly by clicking on the links:

There were also some inspiring updates from leaders in the Training & Coaching group and the Internal Competition group. Richard Irvine provided information about the provision for Young Adults (15-18yrs) and how they are transitioning into the adult training groups. Numbers in these groups are looking healthier than ever.  John Hussey provided an update on the improvers and intermediates group, including details of once a month joint training sessions with the main group and faster advanced group. These joint session will be followed by a social gathering at Leos. John Shanks provided an update on the huge steps forward that have been made with the faster runners’ training group, led and coordinated by David Song. David also provides coaching for some of our faster Young Adults.

The Internal Competition group (Sue Sunderland, Alan Hutchinson & Steve Webb) provided handicap and Grand Prix updates, with plans for 2023. Grand Prix events are now on the website calendar for 2023 and the Winter Handicap is being arranged for Bank Holiday Monday 2nd January 2023.

A request for volunteers was successful, and Rebecca Segal and Jade Beale have offered to help in organising VS Social Events. However, we are still on the look out for Run Leaders in all training groups, so please contact me ([email protected]) if you are interested in this.

Thank you again to all involved and to everyone who contributes so much to the club. A particular mention should go to Mick Tinker and Katharine Robbins who have now been made life members of Valley Striders.