Welcome to Valley Striders Juniors. The objectives of our junior club are:
- for the children to enjoy their running / athletics.
- to help the children to improve via the training sessions
- to give opportunities for the children to take part in running and athletics competition at a level that is suitable for them
The official minimum age for joining is 8, but younger runners who have brothers and sisters or friends in the club may try the sessions and the coaches will then discuss the situation with the parents. Please note that there is a waiting list to join the junior section.
If you’d like to know more or wish to be added to the waiting list, send us a message by clicking on the “Get in Touch” button at the bottom of the page and someone will get back to you.
For the latest information about the junior club please click on https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/general-information-for-juniors-2025/
Our junior training sessions are every Tuesday, 52 weeks a year, weather permitting. These are usually at Leodiensian Club (Leo’s) off King Lane, but during summer are alternate weeks at the Grammar School at Leeds. Check our calendar for upcoming sessions, or click below to find out more.
All of our training sessions are led by qualified and insured running leaders and coaches. Click below to find out more.
We encourage you to take your children to various competitive races throughout the year, from fun runs to national championships, as well as our own club events. Click below to find out more.
Standard junior membership fees are currently £40p.a. Juniors over 10 competing in county level and above must also be affiliated to England Athletics, which costs an extra £21. Click below to find out more.
We hold a stock of club vests and club running T-shirts in various junior sizes and printed with the Valley Striders name. Try for size and then you can take it away and pay by bank transfer. Click below to find out more.
We encourage our older juniors to move up the ranks and become full adult members, and to help them do this safely and successfully we have introduced a Young Adults policy which you can read below.
We take safety and child protection very seriously and we have two Welfare Officers to oversee all aspects of safety and provide pastoral care for adults and juniors as appropriate. Click below to find out more.
Parents or guardians must stay on site for the duration of the session, or nominate another adult to be responsible for their child. They are encouraged to help out, and are welcome to join in! Click below to read more about parental responsibility.
We award medals to juniors for attendance, and have twice-yearly performance and participation awards. Click below to see the latest winners.