Two more virtual events for V S Juniors

Hot on the heels of our Virtual Race last weekend come two more virtual events.

On the weekend of 6/7 June will be another event in similar format but this time 5 more clubs have been invited. Will Abbey, Otley, Rothwell, Skyrac and Wetherby also take up the challenge? More on this nearer the date.

And THIS WEEKEND the Peco League has created a Juniors Virtual Relay. There are some coincidences in that it is for teams of 3 and all must run for 15 minutes.

The differences are that the first runner must run on Saturday 23rd, the second on Sunday 24th and the third on Monday 25th. And that the team must be declared in advance. And that the winners are calculated on age-graded adjustments of the distances run.

If you want to be included in a VS team for this weekend, just post in the Facebook Group or email to [email protected] by Friday 6pm and let me know which day(s) you are available to run.  If you have a team of 3 planned, all the better!

First come first served to get in a team. We can have several teams but if the number that apply is not a multiple of 3 then the last 1 or 2 to apply won’t get a run.