– Peco Sun 15 Dec
– Training and food Tue 17 Dec
– Run in Roundhay Park Fri 27 Dec
– Run by Eccup Res Sun 29 Dec
– Northern XC Sat 25 Jan
Peco XC Sunday 15 December
The next event in the Series is on this Sunday at
Middleton Park.
– If you’ve already entered the series and ran event 1, then you don’t need to
enter again, but do remember to bring your race number (NB if you’ve lost your
number since then you will need to buy another at registration for £2.50)
– If you entered the series before event 1 but didn’t run it, then your number
will be in the club gazebo on race day
– If you entered the series after event 1, then your number will be in the club
gazebo on race day
– If you’ve not yet entered the series, you can enter on the day at the
registration desk at in the Grandstand Suite of the John Charles Centre for
– You don’t need to go to the registration desk if you’ve already entered.
We now have 83 junior Striders (including waiting list) entered!
Click on http://pecoxc.co.uk/pages/race2.html for race details including maps of parking, race routes and the location of the club tent area.
We need help in transporting the club gazebo to the venue, taking it up the hill to the club tent area and assembling it. There will be a post on Juniors Facebook, please respond if you can help in any way.
On the day, if you arrive and the club gazebo hasn’t yet arrived, race numbers will be on or by the Valley Striders banner.
Training and Food on Tuesday 17 December
If, due to the weather and conditions on the rugby pitches, we have to reduce training again, we will “select” those who ran at any track & field in Summer or any of Eccup, Pudsey, Kirkstall, WYXC or those entered for YorksXC, plus all those booked for food.
Please check the Events Page on the website on Tuesday lunchtime. https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/event/juniors-training-leos-18/
We will also post on Facebook and try to send an email to everyone, but we have been having difficulty sending to Hotmail accounts.
If we get any more partial cancellations we will be looking for a method whereby everyone gets at least 1 week in 2, suggestions welcome!
(NB we had a full cancellation this week because the conditions were unsuitable anywhere on the rugby fields nor was it safe to run in a group on the roads)
Food will be served at 7:10pm, choose from
(a) Xmas dinner (turkey, sausage etc) in a large Xmas pud
(b) Nut roast
Please note that the cost is £5 per portion
Please order to [email protected] (don’t reply to the juniors email address). Please place orders by Sunday 15 December 10pm and pay on the night
If you need to cancel, do so by Monday 2 December 9am or else you are liable to pay (unless you let us know and we can re-sell your portion(s)
No training on Tuesday 24 December
Junior training in Roundhay Park on Friday 27 December
Meet 10a.m. by Lakeside Cafe, then we will split into 2 or 3 groups according to speed.
All groups will run a lap taking in the lower and upper lakes, but the faster group(s) will put extra loops in e.g. over the bridges in the gorge, whereas the slowest group will simply run round both lakes.
Lots of stops as we go round to allow slower runners in the group to catch up and faster runners will be encouraged to run back to collect slower runners.
As many parents as possible to run please. They needn’t run in the same group as their own child or children!
After the lap, we’ll have some Bob’s relays on the field that overlooks the lake up from the Lakeside Cafe. I’ve bought some extra relay batons so we can have lots of teams.
I will post on Facebook to get an idea of numbers of juniors and also of numbers of adults who can help. Please post if you are thinking of going.
Open to juniors on the waiting list.
Possible junior races by Eccup Reservoir of Sunday 29 December
While the club handicap is taking place, we MAY have runs/races for junior runners on the towpath by Eccup Reservoir, more details to follow. If it happens, then the meeting time will be at the same time and at the same place as the adults but we will run on the towpath while the adults run clockwise round the reservoir. Open to juniors on the waiting list.
Please put this in your diary
Here are the Handicap Details for adults (age 15 and above). We will be holding the Winter Handicap race on Sunday 29th December at 11:00am. This will be the trail route of approximately 5 miles, starting outside the gatehouse at the bottom of Goodrick Lane and taking a clockwise circuit across fields towards the Harewood estate and back along the reservoir towpath. We have decided to hold the race in memory of Terry Midgley and Matthew Adcock by having the option of running in fancy dress with the themes of chef, lifeguard, rugby player or superhero. As usual, if you can’t run but would like to join in the fun, we need plenty of volunteers to marshal and help at the start and finish.
No training on Tuesday 31 December
Northern XC on Saturday 25 January
These races will be at Camp Hill Estate, Kirklington (near Bedale), DL8 2LS on Saturday 25 January.
It sounds a long way away but is actually quicker and easier to get to than Lightwater Valley
Minimum age is 11 on race day. Cost is £7 per person. Entries are via the club. Entries need to be in by Tuesday 7 January. Please email back if interested.
Click https://www.race-results.co.uk/results/2020/infonaxc20.pdf for full details
We had 9 juniors at the Northerns in January 2019 and hope to have more this year.