Food at Leos

Food at Leos is back!
There will be food available at Leos after the Valley Striders’ Spring Handicap Race on Tuesday 3rd May. If you are running, marshalling or would just like to join us afterwards, you are very welcome.
To order food, please comment below to say whether you would like:
A: Lasagne and salad
B: Chicken curry and rice
C: Veggie option (quorn bolognaise with tagliatelle)
Food orders must be place in advance via one of the following:
  • Facebook invite
  • Spond invite
  • Emailing [email protected].
****Deadline for orders is Thursday 29th April at 12 noon ****
Cost: £5 per person, payable on the night.
If you not involved in the handicap, but would like to join us afterwards, then please head to Leos for 8pm.