7 short items each with a link to further information
Please email [email protected] if you have any comments or questions.
Membership renewals
This only applies to those who paid any junior membership fees some time in 2021.
If you did pay last year and you’ve not yet renewed,
- please click on https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/junior-membership-renewals-january-2022/ to find out your options for 2022, how much to pay and how to pay.
- Please pay before or on Wednesday 23 February. If you don’t pay by then, I won’t include you in the list for training on 1 March
- It is nearly 4 weeks since I sent the email requesting payment
If you don’t want to renew, please let us know so we don’t continue sending reminders.
If you’ve not yet paid any membership fees, please wait for an invitation to join.
Peco cross country Sunday 20 February
This applies to all juniors on this email list, whether or not members.
I’ve just posted the information on Facebook – please look at this post.
If you’re not on Facebook and are intending to run, please click on the general information https://pecoxc.co.uk/pages/race5.html and then email [email protected] with any questions.
Booking training sessions for March
This applies to all juniors on this email list, whether or not members.
Please click on https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/juniors-training-at-leos-2022/ and scroll down a little to find the link to book training sessions via Surveymonkey.
Please book before or on 23 February so that I have plenty of time to arrange the groups for 1 March.
Note that names for 22 February will be published on Friday.
If you’ve not yet been invited to a training session and want to know your position on the waiting list, please email [email protected] .
Contingency for waterlogged pitches at Leos
We had a successful session yesterday evening with 17 juniors running, but this would not have been possible without having 3 parents running with the groups and 6 parents standing on street corners (many thanks to you 9); these numbers don’t include myself and Richard.
Now that we know that this model works successfully, we should be able to extend it if needed again, probably to include school year 5 as well.
Let’s hope we don’t need it … but bearing in mind the weather forecast for the next few days, we may need to implement again next Tuesday.
New website page of general information about our Juniors Club
See https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/general-information-for-juniors-2022/; this contains the information I send out to prospective members. I would welcome your feedback, please email [email protected]
New website page for training at Leos
See https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/juniors-training-at-leos-2022/ where I’ve removed most of the CoVid information from the 2021 edition. Also I’ve explained why we are still continuing with 3 timeslots, limiting groups to 12 and asking you to book in advance.
New website page for events in Spring/Summer 2022
See https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/events-for-juniors-spring-summer-2022/ . This includes
- the final cross-country event of the season, the Peco Relays, on 13 March
- 3 junior races held in conjunction with adult races – in particularly we hope many junior Striders will enter the Eccup junior races at the end of June
- Many track and field meetings, in particular a one-off meeting for juniors on Easter Monday and a series of 7 meetings at Cleckheaton between April and September. I’m hoping to book the track at GSAL on 5 and/or 12 April so we can get some practice.