This page is now out of date and will amended this weekend (27/28 June)
Updated Wednesday 24 June 16:00
Here are the names of the junior members selected to attend these sessions
Draft – please email comments to [email protected]
We have added a 4th group to each session i.e. 5 extra runners on 30 June and 10 extra on 7 July. This page shows all the names for 30 June but there are some gaps for 7 July, for which we will offer places in the next few days.
I’ve pencilled in names of leaders, but subject to change. I’ve also pencilled in “assistants” who should do this at a distance e.g. towards the far end of Eleanor’s hills, at the top of Emma’s hills and in the backwards running section of Bob’s quadrathlon. Assistants must not actively lead the session otherwise this compromises the rules that say the maximum group size(including leader(s)) is 6.
Please see for more description of the 4 different activities.
Anyone not selected for a particular date should continue to train from home, these will continue to count for 25/50/100 training session medals
General information
All children should go to their allocated meeting point on arrival. Parents should lurk close to their children (but away from all other children) to listen to briefing messages.
Everyone should stay 2 metres apart. Children will be told how this works for each activity before starting each activity. No-one should touch any equipment.
Richard and Bob will co-ordinate the session, 15 minutes for the first activity (to include warm-up), 8 minutes for the middle two and 10 minutes for the last one (to include cool down).
N.B. Toilets won’t be open.
Tuesday 23 June 18:05
Group 1 (leader Steve Hunter, assistant Pascale Fotherby) : Aiden Thornton, Daniel Fotherby, Lars Hunter, Matt Sedgley, Michael Fotherby
Group 2 (leader Sarah Kingston, assistant Oliver Thornton) : Abigail Kingston, Alannah Thornton, Freya Hunter, Keira Sykes, Rebecca Kingston
Group 3 (leader Nick Smith, assistant Adam Nabozny) : Alfie Jones, Edward Nabozny, Luke Mackreth, Jamie Walker, Tom Mackreth
Tuesday 30 June 18:05
Activities for this date
- Bob’s circular (non contact) relays
- Eleanor’s (continuous) hills (between cricket and rugby pitch)
- Emma’s hill (sprint up, walk down)
- Bob’s quadrathlon
Group 1 (leader Hannah Corne, assistant Warren Dennison)
Bertie Bell
Florence Bell
Kirsten Reid
Mary Venning
Sarah Dennison
Group 2 (leader Claire Sadler, assistant Nicola Hartley)
Caitlyn Hartley
Jessica Guthrie
Jorgie Hartley
Kate Irvine
Lily Sadler
Group 3 (leader Nick Smith, assistant Vicki Johnstone)
Jamie Smith
Joseph Whitehouse
Marcus Johnstone
Sammy Whitehouse
William Barton
Group 4 (leader Adam Nabozny, assistant Alex Gostling)
Benjamin Gostling
Ewan Reid
James Gostling
Toby Walker
William Nabozny
Tuesday 7 July 17:30 prompt – note that there will be some changes to groups as we have added a 4th group
Group 1 (leader Alex Gostling)
Benjamin Gostling
James Gostling
Joseph Whitehouse
Oliver Lubiecki
Sammy Whitehouse
Group 2 (leader Warren Dennison, assistant Nicola Hartley)
Caitlyn Hartley
Jessica Guthrie
Jorgie Hartley
Lily Sadler
Sarah Dennison
Group 3 (leader Sarah Kingston, assistant Liz Guthrie)
Abigail Kingston
Alannah Thornton
Freya Hunter
Keira Sykes
Rebecca Kingston
Group 4 (leader Steve Hunter)
Aiden Thornton
Lars Hunter
Tuesday 7 July 18:15 prompt – Note that there will be some changes to groups as we have added a 4th group
Group 1 (leader Jon Smith, assistant Carol Reid)
5 from
Bertie Bell
Ewan Reid
Florence Bell
Jamie Smith
Kirsten Reid
Mary Venning
Group 2 (leader Vicki Johnstone, assistant Adam Nabozny)
Edward Nabozny
Marcus Johnstone
Matt Sedgley
William Barton
William Nabozny
Group 3 (leader Pascale Fotherby, assistant Samantha Walker)
Daniel Fotherby
Luke Mackreth
Michael Fotherby
Toby Walker
+ 1
Group 4 (leader TBA)
Meeting points
Group 1 will meet at MP1 and do activities in areas 1,2,3,4 in this sequence
Group 2 will meet at MP2 and do activities in areas 2,3,4,1 in this sequence
Group 3 will meet at MP3 and do activities in areas 3,4,1,2 in this sequence
Group 4 will meet at MP4 and do activities in areas 4,1,2,3 in this sequence