Training at Leos this evening is cancelled but Training From Home is ON
There was a LOT of rain last night and the ground is unfit for running.
As we have now missed 3 weeks in a row there is an opportunity to claim a training session towards your 25/50/100 medal by “Training From Home”.
This can be any run “from home” before Sunday 6pm. Any run of 20 minutes counts of which at least 8 must be at pace (but can be intervals) and the rest can include jogging for warm up, cool down or between intervals. An example run could be 3 mins jogging warm up, 8 times (1 min fast, 1 min jogging), 2 mins jogging cool down
Running at school doesn’t count, nor does running as part of a football match (or any other sport), but running round the local park does count as do parkrun or junior parkrun (make sure you do a warm up and cool down).
Log your run to [email protected] before Sunday 10pm